Q - Where is the XML and Developer's Guide used to interface into ESDAL2?
A -The SOAP API XML and developer's guide can be downloaded from this link.
Q - Where is the interactive PDF notification template for notifying National Highways without using the ESDAL2 system?
A -The interactive PDF and support guide are available on gov.uk and can be downloaded from this link .
Q - Why is there a new notification template?
A -National Highways has changed the way it manages the strategic road network in a number of our areas; to date East Midlands, North East, North Lancashire & Cumbria and the South West. The changes we are making will bring increased skill and capability along with an ability to make long-term decisions that enable us to provide the best service to our customers.
Under the new way of working, National Highways has taken direct responsibility for managing abnormal loads in these Areas. We are therefore enhancing ESDAL2 to enable us to view and manage all notifications from within the system, not just notifications generated by hauliers using ESDAL2. Having a single system will allow us to better manage our assets and improve efficiencies.
An enhanced version of ESDAL2 for authorities has now been released. Initially this will only impact highways, bridges and police authorities who currently use ESDAL2 to manage notifications: there will be no impact to users who receive notifications from ESDAL2 via email. For those who use the system, user support and training will be provided.
In order to enable ESDAL2 to interpret external notifications effectively, National Highways with DfT have created a new combined version of the notification template for use by hauliers who do not use ESDAL2. This template will be available for download as a fillable PDF on the Abnormal Load pages of the gov.uk website (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/abnormal-load-movements-application-and-notification-forms,) and will be in addition to the current templates. Hauliers will be encouraged to use the new template initially and then after an agreed familiarisation period use of the template will become the required notification format for hauliers notifying National Highways Areas in the East Midlands, North East, North Lancashire & Cumbria, South West, and in future any other National Highways Areas that manage abnormal loads in house. The system will pass the new template straight through via email to authorities who do not use ESDAL2.
For hauliers using other software systems to notify, an API (Application Programming Interface) has been made available before the template becomes the required format for notifications to National Highways.
Whilst the new version of the system has been developed for National Highways, we hope that other authorities will benefit from having a free to use single management system for abnormal load notifications.
Q - Why has ESDAL changed?
A -In order to ensure ESDAL moves with the times National Highways completed a tender exercise to enable the service to be modernised in line with new technology.
Q - When did the new ESDAL service begin?
A -The new system was released on 27th January 2015. Subsequent releases will provide further enhancements that have been informed by user feedback.
Q - What is different about the new system?
A -The new system provides one integrated system for all users and is faster and more user friendly, and facilitates improved Special Order handling. It also provides updated route planning capabilities and maps.
Q - Do I need a new log in?
A -No, user's log in details remain the same.
Q - Do I need to re-enter all my data?
A -No, user's data has been transferred into the new system. This data will never be made public. National Highways will continue to ensure your data is held securely and be password protected.
Due to the major map upgrades routes from the previous system need to be re-planned/saved before they can be re-used, in order to ensure there are no issues with notification of the correct authorities.
Q - Is my information secure?
A -National Highways will continue to ensure your data will be held securely and be password protected in the new service.
Q - Is there training for the new system?
A -The regulations and processes for notification and permit applications have not changed, so the system is not very different or difficult to use. Support is available including onscreen help, tutorials and telephone/email support from the ESDAL2 helpdesk.
Q - What has happened to the Help Desk function?
A -The helpdesk continues to provide a high level of service to all ESDAL2 stakeholders. They can be contacted on esdalenquiries@nationalhighways.co.uk or 0300 470 3733 .
Q - Will we get an opportunity to shape future functionality?
A -All users of ESDAL2 can provide feedback via the helpdesk or via the forms on the system itself, or via user surveys. All feedback is welcome.
Q - I use fax, is this still supported?
A -The use of fax is supported by ESDAL2. However we continue to encourage stakeholders to use the online service in line with current technology.
Q - Do I need any hardware or technology to use ESDAL2?
A -The ESDAL2 service will continue to be a free to use web based service. You do not need any hardware or specific software other than a recent web browser.
Q - How can I find out more about the new system?
A -For any questions please contact esdalenquiries@nationalhighways.co.uk
Q - Who is the service provider?
A -ARS T&TT is the service provider.
Q - Is the legislation changing?
A -No, there are no current plans for a change in legislation relating to the movement of abnormal indivisible loads.
Q - Will the notification process change?
A -The legislative requirements in the new service remain the same; hauliers are still required to notify the movement of abnormal indivisible loads. However the functionality to support this process has, and will continue to improve.
Q - We delegate structures/roads, will these remain in place?
A -Yes, these delegations will remain in place.
Q - Do I still need to provide structure updates?
A -Structure owners will continue to be able to make updates to the structures they own in ESDAL2. You will also be contacted on a regular basis to provide any updates that you have not made yourself in ESDAL2.
Q - What is the URL?
A -The URL is https://esdal.dft.gov.uk
Q - Will there be a charge to use ESDAL2, either now or in the future?
A -ESDAL2 will continue to be a free to use service. There are no plans to charge for it in the future.